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The KEN0 game is played with one or several traditional 80-numbered tickets and 20 balls whose function is the same as in a standard lottery. After each game, you may choose to stay with the same spots you played (by clicking on the REPEAT BET button) or pick new spots on the ticket(s). Different betting options are enabled as you place your marks.
To start playing, you have to select one of the four ticket types you want to play. The different ways to bet on a KEN0 ticket are discussed below. Having selected the type of ticket you will either have to mark your selected spots (STRAIGHT and SWEET SIXTEEN ticket types) or immediately confirm your selection by pressing SUBMIT button. To add more tickets to the game use ADD TICKET button. You can play up to 20 tickets at a time. When you are finished adding tickets, press the PLAY GAME button. After the game is finished you can review each ticket’s results by using the blue arrows on the right-hand side.
The more numbers you chose to roll out on the balls – the higher the payoff. You can play tickets with 1 through 12 or 15 marked spots. Each ticket offers three different price and payoff options. By pressing A, B, or C buttons the selection is made. The payoffs are shown in the table on the left-hand side. This ticket doesn’t require spots to be marked. 36 spots on the edges of the ticket are automatically selected. You are paid depending on the number of rolled-out matches.
This ticket costs $3 and requires 16 spots to be selected by you. It is similar to the STRAIGHT TICKET but doesn’t offer A, B, or C payoff options. Another difference is that the payoff doesn’t increase in direct proportion to the number of matches. With all 16 numbers selected, the payoff is shown in the table on the left-hand side.